Zappi ev chargers hampshire

Zappi EV Chargers Wiltshire & Hampshire

Zappi offer electric vehicle chargers that can be used for offices & homes that are solar compatible.

Zappi chargers are the best selling solar compatible charger with adaptive capabilities allowing them to take power from both mains & solar, or both.

The Zappi chargers are designed & manufactured in the UK.

Zappi ev chargers hampshire

Zappi EV Chargers Wiltshire & Hampshire

Zappi offer electric vehicle chargers that can be used for offices & homes that are solar compatible.

Zappi chargers are the best selling solar compatible charger with adaptive capabilities allowing them to take power from both mains & solar, or both.

The Zappi chargers are designed & manufactured in the UK.

Why use WBEV for your charging point?


Local vehicle charging point experts


Great customer support


Supplying reliable, trustworthy chargers

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